Access Control - LDAP

This extension will allow you to use LDAP for authentication and authorization in Axon Server. User accounts and roles from LDAP are not synchronized to the Axon Server cluster, so they won't show up on the "Users" tab.

Installing the LDAP Extension

To install the LDAP Extension, you need to unpack the distribution ZIP-file, so the JAR files are in the "exts" subdirectory of the working directory of Axon Server:

$ mkdir exts
$ unzip -j -d exts
  inflating: exts/axon-server-extension-ldap-4.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
  inflating: exts/javax.inject-1.jar
  inflating: exts/spring-ldap-core-2.3.2.RELEASE.jar
  inflating: exts/spring-security-ldap-5.1.9.RELEASE.jar

Note that the actual version numbers may differ in your case.

Configuring the LDAP Extension

The options used are:

  • axoniq.axonserver.accesscontrol.enabled

    This must be set to "true" to enable access control.

  • axoniq.axonserver.enterprise.ldap.enabled

    Set this to "true" to enable the plugin.

  • axoniq.axonserver.enterprise.ldap.server-name

    This sets the LDAP server's hostname, which is defaulted to "localhost".

  • axoniq.axonserver.enterprise.ldap.server-port

    This sets the LDAP server's port, which is defaulted to 389.

  • axoniq.axonserver.enterprise.ldap.server-url

    As an alternative, for example when you want to use a TLS-secured connection, you can provide the URL to the LDAP server, such as "ldaps://ldap-server.local".


    This setting provides the base context for searching users, for example "ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com".


    This is the filter to be used for searching, so you typically add object types, and the attribute to match on. An example would be "(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(uid={0}))". The "{0}" notation is used to place the username.


    Similarly to the "search-base" setting, you can add a "group-base". This setting is optional.


    The "group-filter" is the search pattern for groups, which will be translated to roles, for example "(&(objectclass=Group)(member={0}))"

Linking LDAP groups to roles in Axon Server

In order to translate LDAP Groups, you must provide properties as follows:


For example, if we have a group "ADMIN_STAFF" that we want to make administrators, and a group "SHIP_CREW" that should be normal users of the "default" context, then we would use:


Tuning the LDAP Extension

Two further options exist that may be used to tune the connection with the LDAP server. Both have a default value of "true".

  • axoniq.axonserver.enterprise.ldap.using-pooled-queries

  • axoniq.axonserver.enterprise.ldap.allowing-referrals

Last updated