Major Releases
All the enhancements and features which have been introduced to our major releases of the Axon Framework are noted here.
Release 4.11
Introduce configurable timeouts for message handlers. #3272
[#3179] test: Spring graceful shutdown - Configurer is only shutdown after processing active requests #3268
[#3202] Auto-register
with Spring Boot #3203 -
Autoregister MessageHandlerInterceptors with Spring Boot #3202
[#3159] Support Apache Avro #3187
Support Apache Avro as message serialization format #3159
Secure MessageHandlerDefinition #3057
Interceptor list Spring auto configuration #1422
- Documentation, code sample, and auto-config fix #3275 -
when the failed change is fromDELETED
#3267 -
Introduce gRPC message limit warning and prevention #3264
[#3217] warn and document Persistent Stream uniqueness based on stream name #3262
provide a collection of events to theEventBus
instead of looping over the events #3241 -
ci: GitHub Actions (AF4) - rerun flaky tests #3238
ci: GitHub Actions (AF4) - timeout for builds and one in-progress run per pull request #3232
[#3215] Improve retry handling using (exponential) back-off in Pooled Streaming Event Processors #3223
Warn or validate, and document Persistent Stream uniqueness based on stream name #3217
Improve retry handling using (exponential) back-off in Pooled Streaming Event Processors #3215
SagaTestFixture extend APIs for publishing historic events with metadata #3198
SagaTestFixture API extension for publishing historic events with metadata #3197
Upgrade XStream to 1.4.21 to resolve CVE-2024-47072 #3181
Bug fixes
Cleanup of persistent stream processing logic #3270
Fix for deadlock when many queries wait for responses #3260
docs: fix PooledStreamingEventProcessor default initial tracking token #3257
[#3057] fix: Spring-Axon app can run without Spring Security as dependency #3222
fixed hasAnnotation test #3142
Release 4.10
Persistent stream configuration #3043
Rebalance Segments in PooledStreamingEventProcessor #3028
[#3007] Set a SmartLifecycle phase lower than the ones written in the spring WebServer lifecycle ones. #3009
Spring: Place the Axon shutdown hook AFTER the WebServer ones #3007
Update index.adoc, remove link to how-to’s #2978
Automate migration to Axon 4.9+ #2944
refactor: Parameterized logging with constant log values #2910
Enhancement/test container reuse #2883
Release 4.9
Behavioral breaking change
In issue #2778 we adapted the default TrackingToken
of each StreamingEventProcessor
to become a ReplayToken
instead of a null
These changes result in the certainty that tasks that should not be performed on a replay of old events, like virtually any Saga event handlers, are ignored upon introduction of the Event Handling Component.
However, if you expect all events to be handled as "new" events when introducing a new Event Handling Component, this may come as an unexpected change in behavior.
More specifically, if you use the @DisallowReplay
annotation or ReplayStatus#REPLAY
enumeration on your newly introduced Event Handling Component, you will notice that the annotated method or block of code is no longer invoked.
As such, the default ReplayToken
should be regarded as a behavioral breaking change if you expect all methods of a new Event Handling Component to be invoked, regardless of any Replay API usage.
Add suppressible log message when console client is not on the classpath. #2868
Instruct compiler to include parameter names metadata #2835
Log notification about AxonIQ console, if console-framework-client is not there #2819
Add additional Axon Server connector configuration to the
#2815 -
Introduce the
#2807 -
Claim segments operation for Streaming Event Processors #2803
Add property to easily disable using Axon Server as event store. #2801
Add support for Spring Docker Compose #2790
Add CBOR format and Spring Boot properties for support #2777
Allow easy configuration of CBOR #2776
Support Java modules #2427
Add JDK21 to GitHub Actions #2866
[#2843] Make it possible to have multiple instances of the DbScheduler components. #2853
AxonDbSchedulerAutoConfiguration can not be used multiple times in hierarchical Spring context due to static fields #2843
Add intermediate span factories for Event Processors #2834
Add intermediate span factories for Sagas and Repositories #2830
Add intermediate span factories for DeadlineManager #2829
Intermediate Span Factory pattern for buses #2826
Intermediate Span Factory pattern for snapshotters #2824
Dead-Letter Sequence Identifier Caching #2818
Detect empty snapshots due to Serializer misconfiguration #2817
Improve Event Scheduler context configuration #2810
Implement StreamingEventProcessor.claimSegment #2805
Improve Spanfactory configurability #2780
Default to ReplayToken upon creation of new event processor #2778
Prevent processors from resetting when no handlers support replay #2769
Improve JavaDoc of the
Release 4.8
[#2689] Support Snapshotting for Polymorphic Aggregates #2753
Allow property based configuration of load balancing strategies #2750
step #2745 -
[#1828] Add Anchore Container Scan step #2744
[#2350] JDBC Dead-Letter Queue #2743
Enable tracing in DistributedCommandBus with SpanFactory #2729
Make the token store claim timeout easily configurable. #2722
Allow easy (property) configuration for the
of the defaultTokenStore
#2708 -
Introduce Polymorphic Aggregate Snapshotting auto-configuration #2689
[#2639] Handler Interceptor support for Dead Letter Processing #2661
[#2640] Support
annotated methods in Sagas #2656 -
annotated methods in Sagas #2640 -
Handler Interceptor support for Dead Letter Processing #2639
Add an auto-merge step for Dependabot Pull Request #2608
2581 Allow to override EventSchema without modifying default JdbcEve… #2582
Allow to override EventSchema without modifying default JdbcEventStorageEngine in Spring context #2581
Allow Development mode on test containers #2461
Autoconfigure automatic load balancing #2453
Enable tracing in DistributedCommandBus with SpanFactory #2403
JDBC Dead-Letter Queue #2350
GitHub Action #2228 -
Investigate usage of the Anchore Container Scan in GitHub Actions #1828
as test-container #2763 -
[#2755] Align assertion messages #2757
Put test assertion errors on multiple lines #2755
Add db-scheduler implementation of the Event Scheduler and Deadline Manager #2727
Add db-scheduler implementation of the Event Scheduler and Deadline Manager #2724
Add JCacheAdapter test scenarios #2721
Make Configuration accessible #2700
refactor: Spring Boot 2.x best practices #2663
Improve error message in case a streaming query gives an error. #2662
Error handling of Streaming queries is less than ideal #2660
Add a warning to the creation of the in memory token store. #2650
Add a
method in theEventProcessingConfigurer
. #2633 -
[#2628] Extended support for Spring application context hierarchy #2629
ObjectMapper cannot be resolved from Spring Parent Context #2628
Move AbstractDeadlineManagerTestSuite to spring module so it’s deployed. #2622
Clean the test logs #2606
Create a SequencedDeadLetterQueueFactory #2598
2581 Do not duplicate bean definition of TokenStore #2587
[#2074] Allow to customize saga schema table and columns #2575
Auto-merge successful Dependabot Pull requests #2569
Move to use job builder to have more control how the jobs are stored. Add auto configuration. #2564
in theJobRunrDeadlineManager
. #2507 -
Add JCacheAdapter test scenarios #2421
Change jdbc column names to snake case as default. #2074
Add cache using EhCache 3 #2709
Add cache using Ehcache 3 #2420
Bug fixes
Remove payloadType tag from EventProcessorLatencyMetric #2683
Release 4.7
This release introduces compatibility with Spring Boot 3. The support for Spring Boot 3 also entails the removal of the Jakarta-specific modules since Jakarta is now the default. Furthermore, it required us to duplicate the Javax Persistence and Javax Validation classes into dedicated legacy packages. In doing so, we provided support for both Javax and Jakarta, as well as Spring Boot 2 and Spring Boot 3.
However, this required us to introduce breaking changes in 4.7 compared to 4.6. To help you upgrade towards Axon Framework 4.7, we provide a dedicated Upgrading to Axon Framework 4.7 page describing the scenarios you may be in and the steps to take for upgrading.
Next to the Javax-to-Jakarta adjustments and the Spring Boot 3 support, we’ve added an Event Scheduler and Deadline Manager based on JobRunr.
For an exhaustive list of the features, enhancements, and bug fixes introduced, see below:
[#1509] Add
to theAggregateTestFixture
#2551 -
[#2476] Support
handler interceptor registration on theSagaTestFixture
#2548 -
[#2351] The
Parameter Resolver #2547 -
#2545 -
[#1123] Support
bean wiring through generics #2527 -
Implement the JobRunr implementation of the event scheduler. #2509
#2499 -
Added parameter resolver for aggregate type retrieval from domain event messages #2498
Implement Event Handler Interceptors registration on
#2476 -
Message Handler (parameter) support for Dead Letters #2351
Alternative deadline manager: JobRunr (Quartz alternative) #2192
Allow the AggregateTestFixture to expect methods to be called instead of commands passed. #1509
Allow replay on a Saga #1458
Provide alternatives for QuartzEventScheduler and QuartzDeadlineManager #1106
Configurable Locking Scheme in SagaStore #947
Fixed SpringAggregateLookup initialization issue for Spring AOT #2578
[#2561] Move Sonar to JDK17 #2574
Automatically approve
PRs #2566 -
Add Segment and Token to UnitOfWork of PooledStreamingEventProcessor #2562
Move Sonar to JDK17 build #2561
[#2129] Fine tune
registration in theAggregateTestFixture
#2552 -
[#1630] Allow disabling of sequence number generation in the
#2550 -
Several fixes to successfully run a JDK17 build #2544
Adjust Dependabot behavior #2536
Enable heartbeats to Axon Server by default #2530
[#2383] Add
#2526 -
Small test and code improvement for JobRunr deadline manager #2510
Introduce the NestingSpanFactory #2487
Improve mismatch messages for Hamcrest Matchers #2400 #2418
Allow OpenTelemetrySpanFactory to only create child spans #2404
Add ConditionalOnBean to InfraConfiguration Beans #2383
AggregateTestFixture creates EventSourcingRepository and does not invalidate it #2129
JDK16 - axon-messaging own unit test fail on #1826
GenericJpaRepository to enable/disable the sequence number generation #1630
Release 4.6
Axon Framework 4.6.0 has undergone a great deal of changes. Some noteworthy additions are the Dead-Letter Queue, integrated Tracing with Open Telemetry and Jakarta support. For an exhaustive list of the features, enhancements, and bug fixes with introduced, see below. For a list that also contains the dependency upgrades we refer to this page.
Added Slack release announcement #2348
[#2307] Carry the context during reset to the
#2312 -
Propagate ResetContext in ReplayToken #2307
[#2198] Add support for Jakarta #2301
Native Tracing for Axon Framework with OpenTelemetry as default #2294
[#2021] Dead Letter Queue for Event Processing Groups #2258
JPA dead letter queue implementation #2239
Construct means to switch between classes using
#2198 -
#2183 -
Create add-issues-to-project.yml #2182
Multiteant support #2156
Spring event for indication that Axon has started #2146
Application events when handlers are registered #2144
[#1125] Introduce
#2141 -
[#1964] Include
#2130 -
improvement - Validate Exception Details #2125 -
improvement - Validate Exception Details #2110 -
Feature/1466 Additional deadline validation methods #2071
Multi-tenant support #2045
Dead-Letter Queue for Event Processors #2021
Added AxonServerEEContainer and AxonServerSEContainer as an easier way for people to write tests #2020
Streaming query #2001
[#1967] Fetch available segements only from the TokenStore #1997
[#1645] Introduce ObjectNode-to/from-JsonNode
for theJacksonSerializer
#1995 -
[#1490] Simplify LockFactory configuration for Aggregates #1992
[#1986 Introduce
method #1989 -
Register default Transaction Manager through Event Processing Configurer #1986
Add method returning the available segments of a TokenStore #1967
Add an actuator health indicator to check the connection between the application and Axon Server #1964
Added the MetaDataSequencingPolicy #1930
Provide a SequencingPolicy based on a MetaData field #1929
Added an option to create a fixture for a state stored aggregate #1772
JsonNode-to-ObjectNode ContentTypeConverter #1645
Simplify LockFactory configuration per aggregate #1490
Additional Deadline Validation methods. #1466
Allow TrackingEventProcessor start to be deferred #1184
Accessing Saga Association Values #1125
Signal when all Handlers have been registered in Spring environment #880
Improve deadline span name. #2360
Make Given-phase Error Handling configurable for Saga Test Fixtures #2356
Improve SpanFactory autoconfiguration mechanism. #2354
Introduce LoggingSpanFactory and MultiSpanFactory #2353
Check if a certain handler contains certain methods before registering it. #2346
Catch exceptions from correlation data providers. #2345
Throw exception on ambiguous dependencies #2344
Integration Test for Command and Query Priority Calculations #2342
Include message identifier in error message if de-serialization fails #2330
Add CorrelationDataProvider error handling on rollback #2328
Strip test prefix once required in JUnit 3 from test method names #2321
Apache Maven Wrapper 3.8.6 #2320
Allow ReplayToken creation to be customizable when resetting a projection #2308
Ensure all dispatchable messages are serialiable by Jackson and XStream. #2295
Testclasses for javax jakarta extension #2280
Remove redundant method definition #2270
Integration Test for Command and Query Priority Calculations #2266
Update the
to aPriorityTask
#2265 -
Automatically add Release Notes on milestone closure to Discuss post #2264
Create a protected method to fetch tracking events on JpaEventStorageEngine #2262
Create a protected method to fetch tracking events on JpaEventStorageEngine. #2259
Allow subtype definition on the
builders for Polymorphic Aggregates #2250 -
Add test for ConsistentHash.equals #2244
Use getHost instead of getContainerIpAddress #2222
Default snapshotfilter with revision null #2213
Default snapshot filter with revision null #2212
Creation policy factory for Aggregates #2209
Removed deprecated code by updating the default serializer initialization #2206
Flux response type rank matching #2197
Introduce conditional variants for
#2174 -
Conditional variant for the ApplyMore methods #2173
Take into account the result of the
method before attempting… #2171 -
Improve javadoc of the ReplayStatus enum to reflect changes to the StreamingEventProcessors #2170
MultipleInstancesResponseType should match (lower) on single item #2148
Add duplicate resolution on query handler registration, defaulting to… #2140
Add method on DefaultCommandGateway to be able to customize callbacks #2139
Default Revision
in absence of annotation #2136 -
Fine tune the
for Spring Native support #2106 -
Redesign of Spring Boot Auto Configuration support #2105
Feature/1629 saga test fixture #2101
[#2093] Validate if target Command Handling Member can resolve target #2095
Allow several Aggregate Member collections of the same type #2093
Changed logging about "processor falling behind" #2073
Make asDomainEventMessage available to subclasses #2066
protected #2065 -
Separate Integration Tests and Aggregate coverage reports #2063
[#1646] Update "No Handler For" exceptional cases #2062
[#1711] Simplify attachment of Lifecycle Operations #2061
Change how Sonar is invoked for GHA’s #2033
Introduce LifecycleAware interface for managing component lifecycle #2028
Remove MonoWrapper usage. #2008
#1987 -
Methods for testing deadlines when time passed are consistent in TestExecutor & SagaTestFixture (fixes #1974) #1975
Make methods for testing Deadlines consistent for
#1974 -
Added jdk17-ea on our build workflow for early feedback #1915
Add configurable options for checking failure transiency #1910
Prevent stack trace generation for HandlerExecutionException #1905
Allow creation of HandlerExecutionExceptions without stacktrace #1901
[#1898] Empty associationProperty leads to IndexOutOfBoundsException #1899
Empty associationProperty leads to IndexOutOfBoundsException #1898
Provide means of configuring a
#1889 -
Splitted builds into pr and not pr, added ghactions to Dependabot and other minors #1830
Fine tune triggered Deadline validation for Test Fixtures #1797
Simplified DeadlineManager configuration #1796
Expand RetryScheduler to support more granular decision when to retry #1723
Simplify attachment of Lifecycle Operations #1711
Improved termination heuristic when response is < batchsize/2 and the… #1691
Exception in startHandlers is "swallowed" by exception in shutdownHandlers #1669
Fine tune "No Handler For…" Exception #1646
SagaTestFixture should support expectSuccessfulHandlerExecution() #1629
Large number of rolled back transactions on JPA/JDBC TokenStore #1475
Reduce Reflection usage #1427
Add annotation NonNull/Nullable for better usage in Kotlin (also java) #1280
Spurious warnings when a tracking token gap appears then is filled #1193
Query handlers of the same name and response type within one class #719
MultipleInstancesResponseType should recognize handler with single result #602
Bug fixes
Rename SpanFactory.registerTagProvider to registerSpanAttributeProvider #2347
[#2341] Adjust type checking in
to accompany type erasure #2343 -
UpdateEmitter drops MultipleInstancesResponseType updates due to type checking. #2341
Parameter resolver ordering is wrong for test fixtures #2340
Take all types into account when resolving the deadline handler #2336
When moving to a polymorphic Aggregate the stored Deadlines are not handled. #2333
[#2331] Fix deserialization bug
and filter non-handler-matching updates #2332 -
overwrites update type with initial response type #2331 -
[#2317] Using deadlines with DefaultConfigurer leads to NPE #2319
Using deadlines with DefaultConfigurer leads to NPE #2317
Fix streaming queries not respecting PriorityTask mechanism #2309
[#2268] Adjust
to validate existence of theAxonServerConnectionManager
in absence of theaxon-server-connector
package. #2269 -
Bug when using Spring actuator starter and excluding axon server #2268
configuration on@Aggregate
stereotype #2254 -
Extracted lambdas to inner static classes #2240
Dependency on reactor is needed to be able to start an Axon app using current 4.6.0-SNAPSHOT #2238
Fix snapshots not being deployed to nexus #2237
fix javadoc: default port is 8124, not 8123 #2223
fix typo in local variable name #2218
Publisher Response Type #2215
EventProcessingModule should lazily initialize processors #2180
for theTrackingEventProcessor
#2124 -
Restore missing commit 6e531a6cf173243adf9519905f42cbec0a334238 #2116
Wire eventSerializer into QuartzEventSchedulerFactoryBean #2115
Wire the event
#2088 -
Fix typo in pom.xml #2022
Fix typos #2016
Exponential Retry for Tracking event processor not happening for transient exceptions when using Postgres JdbcTokenStore #1920
Release 4.5
This release has seen numerous addition towards Axon Framework. The most interesting adjustments can be seen down below. Note that the BOM (as marked in #1200) is not part of the release notes, as this will use its own separate release cycle. For those interested, the BOM repository can be found here.
For an exhaustive list of all adjustments made for release 4.5 you can check out this page.
A new type of
has been introduced in pull request #1712, called thePooledStreamingEventProcessor
. ThisEventProcessor
allows the same set of operations as theTrackingEventProcessor
, but uses a different threading approach for handling events and processing operations. In all, this solution provides a more straightforward processor implementation and configuration, allowing for enhanced event processing in general. For specifics on how to configure it, check out this section. -
Sagas support the use of Deadline Handlers, but an
annotated method couldn’t automatically close a Saga with the@EndSaga
annotation. This enhancement has been described in #1469 and resolved in pull request #1656. As such, as of Axon 4.5, an@DeadlineHandler
annotated can also be annotated with@EndSaga
, to automatically close the Saga whenever the given deadline is handled. -
Whenever an application uses snapshots, the point arises that old snapshot versions need to be invalidated when loading an Aggregate. To that end the
can be configured. As a simplified solution, the@Revision
annotation can now be placed on the Aggregate class to automatically configure a revision basedSnapshotFilter
. Due to this, old snapshots will be filtered out automatically when an Aggregate is reconstructed from theEventStore
. For those interested, the implementation of this feature can be found here. -
At the basis of Axon’s message handling functionality, is the
. For the time being, the sole implementation of this is theAnnotatedMessageHandlingMember
, which expect the use of annotations like the@CommandHandler
, for example. As a step towards constructing an annotation-less approach, #1621 was introduced into the framework. The first steps taken in this pull request are the deprecation of annotation-specific methods from theMessageHandlingMember
interface. Added to this is a new approach towards defining attributes of a message handling member throughHandlerAttributes
Bug fixes
is a good fit for testing purposes. However, it included a discrepancy towards the event storing solution compared to other event storage solutions. This issue was addressed in #1056 and resolved in pull request #1660. -
In issue #1733 a confusion around the
was described. This reiterated the fact that this method is purely intended for internal use inside Axon Framework, which was not clear to the users. As such, it has now been deprecated, containing a clear statement why this method is not to be used.
Release 4.4
Axon Framework can now be used in conjunction with Spring Boot Developer Tools. You can simply achieve this by adding the required dev-tools dependency to your project.
As a partial solution to #1106, Axon Server can now be used to schedule events. Building an
as theEventScheduler
implementation as defined through the builder is sufficient to start with scheduling events through Axon Server. -
can now be configured for aTrackingEventProcessor
, as was requested in #1338. It can be configured through theTrackingEventProcessorConfiguration
, allowing users to react upon status changes of each thread processing event messages. -
Component specific message handler interceptors can now be defined through a dedicated annotation: the
annotation. This annotation allows you to introduce a specific bit of logic to be invoked prior to entering the message handling function or after invocation. It for example allows the additional introduction of a@ExceptionHandler
annotation, allowing you to specifically deal with the exceptions thrown from your message handlers. The original pull request can be found under #1394. For more specifics on using this annotation, check out the @MessageHandlerInterceptor section. -
Configuring a
have been simplified in this release. Pull request #1447 shares the load of allowing for distinctSnapshotter
configuration. Issue #1391 describes the intent to the configuration of snapshot filtering to be performed on Aggregate level. The former can be configured through theConfigurer
, whereas the latter is by usage of theAggregateConfigurer
Bug fixes
was incorrectly noting an old method in one of its exceptions. This has been marked and resolved in #1428. -
had a minor discrepancy; namely, theCommandValidator
cleared out contained commands upon starting whereas theEventValidator
didn’t. Pull request #1438 resolved the problem at hand.
For a full list of all the feature request and enhancements done for release 4.4, you can check out this page.
Release 4.3
Aggregate Polymorphism has been introduced, allowing for an aggregate hierarchy to come naturally from a domain model. To set this up, the
AggregateConfigurer#withSubtypes(Class… aggregates)
method can be used. In a Spring environment, an aggregate class hierarchy will be detected automatically. For more details on this feature, read up on it here. -
An Axon application will now shutdown more gracefully than it did in the previous releases. This is achieved by marking specific methods in Axon’s infrastructure components as a
. A 'phase' is required in those, specifying when the method should be executed. If you want to add your own lifecycle handlers, you can either register a component with the aforementioned annotations or register the methods directly throughConfigurer#onInitialize
. -
We have introduced the
annotation which you can add to@CommandHandler
annotated methods in your aggregate. Through this, it is possible to define if such a command handler should 'never', 'always' or 'create' an aggregate 'if-missing'. For further explanation read the Aggregate Command Handler Creation Policy section. -
Both the
provide a means to toggle on "lenient serialization" through their builders. -
Various test fixture improvements have been made, such as options to register a
, aParameterResolverFactory
and aListenerInvocationErrorHandler
. Additional validations have been added too, revolving around asserting scheduled events and deadline message. The Test Fixture page has been updated to define these new operations accordingly. -
method as of 4.3 exposes more status information. The current token position, token-at-reset, is-merging and merge-completed position have been added to the set. Read the Event Tracker Status section for more specifics on this.
Bug fixes
was thrown when an aggregate was created at two distinct JVM’s at the same time. AsConcurrencyException`s are typically retryable, the creation command would be issued again if a `RetryScheduler
was in place. Retrying this operation is however useless and hence has been replaced for anAggregateStreamCreationException
in pull request #1333. -
The test fixtures for state-stored aggregates did unintentionally not allow resource injection. This problem has been resolved in pull request #1315.
did not deal well with one or several exceptional streams. Hence exception handling has been improved on this matter in #1325.
For a complete list of all the changes made in 4.3 you can check out this page.
Release 4.2
Axon Framework applications can now use tags to support a level of 'location awareness' between Axon clients and Axon Server instances. This feature is further described here.
Axon Server already supported several contexts, but Axon Framework application could not specify to which context message should be dispatched. The Axon Server Connector has been expanded with a
to allow just this. -
A new implementation of the
has been implemented: theMultiStreamableMessageSource
. This implementation allows pairing several "streamable" message sources into a single source. This can in turn be used to for example read events from several distinct contexts for a single Tracking Event Processor. -
Handler Execution Exception now allow application specific information to be sent back over the wire in case of a distributed set up.
interface now provides an estimate of it’s relative position in the event stream through theposition()
method. -
return types can now be used for Query Handling methods.
Bug fixes
An Aggregate’s
was not auto configured when Spring Boot is being used, as was filed under #932. -
was returned asnull
when using theDisruptorCommandBus
. This was solved in pull request #1169. -
used by theDeadlineManager
had serialization issue when a user would migrate from an Axon 3.x application to Axon 4.x. Theaxon-legacy
package has been expanded to contain legacy `ScopeDescriptor`s to resolve this problem.
For a full list of all features, enhancements and bugs, check out the issue tracker.
Release 4.1
now has an API to split and mergeTrackingTokens
during runtime of an application. Axon Server has additions to the UI to split and merge a given Tracking Event Processor’s tokens. -
Next to Dropwizard metrics the framework now also supports Micrometer metrics. The
interface is used to allow integration with Micrometer. Lastly, we are incredibly thankful that this has been introduced as a community contribution. -
Primitive types are now supported as
return types. -
We have introduced the
in a similar fashion as theCommandGateway
. As with the command and query version, theEventGateway
provides a simpler API when it comes to dispatching Events on theEventBus
Bug fixes
Command and Query message priority was not set correctly for the Axon Server Connector. This issue has been addressed under bug #1004.
was not registered correctly for Event Processor, which user "Sabartius" resolved under issue #961. -
Some exception were not reported correctly and/or clearly when utilizing the Axon Server Connector (issue marked under number #945).
We refer to this page for a full list of all the changes.
Release 4.0
The package structure of Axon Framework has changed drastically with the aim to provide users the option to pick and choose. For example, if only the messaging components of framework are required, one can directly depend on the
package. -
In part with the package restructure, all components which leverage another framework to provide something extra have been given their own repository. These repositories are called the Axon Framework Extensions.
The configuration of Event Processor has been replaced and greatly fine tuned with the addition of the
. -
Some new defaults have been introduced in release 4.0, like a bias towards expecting a connection with Axon Server. Another important chance is the switch from defaulting to Tracking Processors instead of Subscribing Processors.
The notion of a
has been introduced as a dedicated message towards the result of command handling. -
To simplify configuration and more easily overcome deprecation, the Builder pattern has been implemented for all infrastructure components.