Configuring the Extension

The extension can be disabled setting the property axon.extension.tracing.enabled to false (default=true). This will give you the possibility to turn it off when needed (for example, for a certain environment).

Furthermore, there is a more fine-grained configuration option of the tracing span tags on commands, events and queries. You can customize span tags easily, mixing and matching between available tag MESSAGE_ID, AGGREGATE_ID, MESSAGE_TYPE, PAYLOAD_TYPE, MESSAGE_NAME and PAYLOAD. Take into account that some of the tags make sense on a certain span type, but not on another, and some of them have an hidden cost on network (such as payload). Use them wisely.

axon.extension.tracing.span.commandTags=MESSAGE_ID, MESSAGE_TYPE, PAYLOAD_TYPE, MESSAGE_NAME
axon.extension.tracing.span.eventTags=MESSAGE_ID, AGGREGATE_ID, MESSAGE_TYPE, PAYLOAD_TYPE
axon.extension.tracing.span.queryTags=MESSAGE_ID, MESSAGE_TYPE, PAYLOAD_TYPE, MESSAGE_NAME

Above an example of the default value. Available tags field are listed in class.