Dispatching Queries

How to handle a query message has been covered in more detail on the previous page. Queries have to be dispatched, just like any type of message, before they can be handled. To that end Axon provides two interfaces:

  1. The Query Bus, and

This page will show how and when to use the query gateway and bus. How to configure and specifics on the the query gateway and bus implementations are discussed here

The Query Bus and Query Gateway

The QueryBus is the mechanism that dispatches queries to query handlers. Queries are registered using the combination of the query request name and query response type. It is possible to register multiple handlers for the same request-response combination, which can be used to implement the scatter-gather pattern. When dispatching queries, the client must indicate whether it wants a response from a single handler or from all handlers.

The QueryGateway is a convenient interface towards the query dispatching mechanism. While you are not required to use a gateway to dispatch queries, it is generally the easiest option to do so. It abstracts certain aspects for you, like the necessity to wrap a Query payload in a Query Message.

Regardless whether you choose to use the QueryBus or the QueryGateway, both provide several types of queries. Axon Framework makes a distinction between three types, being:

Point-to-Point queries

The direct query represents a query request to a single query handler. If no handler is found for a given query, a NoHandlerForQueryException is thrown. In case multiple handlers are registered, it is up to the implementation of the Query Bus to decide which handler is actually invoked. In the listing below we have a simple query handler:

@QueryHandler // 1.
public List<String> query(String criteria) {
    // return the query result based on given criteria
  1. By default the name of the query is fully qualified class name of query payload (java.lang.String in our case).

    However, this behavior can be overridden by stating the queryName attribute of the @QueryHandler annotation.

If we want to query our view model, the List<String>, we would do something like this:

// 1.
GenericQueryMessage<String, List<String>> query =
        new GenericQueryMessage<>("criteria", ResponseTypes.multipleInstancesOf(String.class));
// 2. send a query message and print query response
  1. It is also possible to state the query name when we are building the query message,

    by default this is the fully qualified class name of the query payload.

  2. The response of sending a query is a Java CompletableFuture,

    which depending on the type of the query bus may be resolved immediately.

    However, if a @QueryHandler annotated function's return type is CompletableFuture,

    the result will be returned asynchronously regardless of the type of the query bus.

Scatter-Gather queries

When you want responses from all of the query handlers matching your query message, the scatter-gather query is the type to use. As a response to that query a stream of results is returned. This stream contains a result from each handler that successfully handled the query, in unspecified order. In case there are no handlers for the query, or all handlers threw an exception while handling the request, the stream is empty.

In the listing below we have two query handlers:

@QueryHandler(queryName = "query")
public List<String> query1(String criteria) {
    // return the query result based on given criteria
@QueryHandler(queryName = "query")
public List<String> query2(String criteria) {
    // return the query result based on given criteria

These query handlers could possibly be in different components and we would like to get results from both of them. So, we will use a scatter-gather query, like so:

// create a query message
GenericQueryMessage<String, List<String>> query =
        new GenericQueryMessage<>("criteria", "query", ResponseTypes.multipleInstancesOf(String.class));
// send a query message and print query response
queryBus.scatterGather(query, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

Subscription queries

The subscription query allows a client to get the initial state of the model it wants to query, and to stay up-to-date as the queried view model changes. In short it is an invocation of the Direct Query with the possibility to be updated when the initial state changes. To update a subscription with changes to the model, we will use the QueryUpdateEmitter component provided by Axon.

Let's take a look at a snippet from the CardSummaryProjection:

public List<CardSummary> handle(FetchCardSummariesQuery query) {
    log.trace("handling {}", query);
    TypedQuery<CardSummary> jpaQuery = entityManager.createNamedQuery("CardSummary.fetch", CardSummary.class);
    jpaQuery.setParameter("idStartsWith", query.getFilter().getIdStartsWith());
    return log.exit(jpaQuery.getResultList());

This query handler will provide us with the list of GiftCard states. Once our GiftCard gets redeemed we would like to update any component which is interested in the updated state of that GiftCard. We'll achieve this by emitting an update using the QueryUpdateEmitter component within the event handler function of the RedeemedEvt event:

public void on(RedeemedEvt evt) {
    // 1.
    CardSummary summary = entityManager.find(CardSummary.class, event.getId());
    summary.setRemainingValue(summary.getRemainingValue() - event.getAmount());
    // 2.
                            query -> event.getId().startsWith(query.getFilter().getIdStartsWith()),
  1. First, we update our view model by updating the existing card.

  2. If there is a subscription query interested in updates about this specific GiftCard we emit an update.

    The first parameter of the emission is the type of the query (FetchCardSummariesQuery in our case)

    which corresponds to the query type in a previously defined query handler.

    The second parameter is a predicate which will select the subscription query to be updated.

    In our case we will only update subscription queries interested in the GiftCard which has been updated.

    The third parameter is the actual update, which in our case is the card summary.

    There are several overloads of the emit method present, feel free to take a look at JavaDoc for more specifics on that.

    The important thing to underline here is that an update is a message and that some overloads take

    the update message as a parameter (in our case we just sent the payload which was wrapped in the message)

    which enables us to attach meta-data for example.

Once we have the query handling and the emitting side implemented, we can issue a subscription query to get the initial state of the GiftCard and be updated once this GiftCard is redeemed:

// 1.
commandGateway.sendAndWait(new IssueCmd("gc1", amount)); 
// 2.
FetchCardSummariesQuery fetchCardSummariesQuery =
                new FetchCardSummariesQuery(offset, limit, filter);
// 3.
SubscriptionQueryResult<List<CardSummary>, CardSummary> fetchQueryResult = queryGateway.subscriptionQuery(

                .handle(cs -> cs.forEach(System.out::println), System.out::println)
                .doFinally(it -> fetchQueryResult.close());

// 6.
commandGateway.sendAndWait(new RedeemCmd("gc1", amount));
  1. Issuing a GiftCard with gc1 id and initial value of amount.

  2. Creating a subscription query message to get the list of GiftCards

    (this initial state is multiple instances of CardSummary)

    and to be updated once the state of GiftCard with id gc1 is changed (in our case an update means the card is redeemed).

    The type of the update is a single instance of CardSummary.

    Do note that the type of the update must match the type of the emission side.

  3. Once the message is created, we are sending it via the QueryGateway.

    We receive a query result which contains two components: one is initialResult and the other is updates.

    In order to achieve 'reactiveness' we use Project Reactor's Mono for initialResult

    and Flux for updates.


Once the subscription query is issued, all updates are queued until the subscription to the Flux of updates is done. This behavior prevents the losing of updates.


The Framework prevents issuing more than one query message with the same id. If it is necessary to be updated in several different places, create a new query message.


The reactor-core dependency is mandatory for usage of subscription queries. However, it is a compile time dependency and it is not required for other Axon features.

  1. The SubscriptionQueryResult#handle(Consumer<? super I>, Consumer<? super U>)

    method gives us the possibility to subscribe to the initialResult and the updates in one go.

    If we want more granular control over the results, we can use the initialResult() and updates() methods on the query result.

  2. As the queryUpdateEmitter will continue to emit updates even when there are no subscribers, we need to notify the emitting side once we are no longer interested in receiving updates.

    Failing to do so can result in hanging infinitive streams and eventually a memory leak.

    Once we are done with using subscription query, we need to close the used resource. We can do that in doFinally hook.

    As an alternative to the doFinally hook, there is the Flux#using API. This is synonymous

    to the try-with-resource Java API:

    Flux.using( () -> fetchQueryResult, 
             queryResult -> queryResult.handle(..., ...), 
  3. When we issue a RedeemCmd, our event handler in the projection will eventually be triggered,

    which will result in the emission of an update.

    Since we subscribed to updates with the println() method, the update will be printed out once it is received.

Axon Coding Tutorial #5: - Connecting the UI

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