The "Handler Insights" Tab

The Handler Insights tab in AxonIQ Console provides detailed information about the message handlers in your system. Message handlers are components that handle commands, events, and queries in an Axon Framework application.

A Screenshot of AxonIQ Console corresponding to the 'Handler Insights' Tab. The page shows on the right side a list of filters to select, including: 'Applications', 'Message Types' and 'Handler Types'. On the left side of the page, expanding about 80% of the screen witdh, there is a table with information about the Handlers. The table includes columns for: application name, Component, message, throughput, error rate, and columns to show the handler processing time with the minimun, Median, ninetieth percentile and max time

In the Handler Insights tab, you can see various metrics related to each handler, such as:

  • The application in which the handler is defined (refer to the Application column)

  • The Component in which the handler is defined (refer to the Component column)

  • The message that the handler processes (refer to the Message column)

  • The number of messages processed by the handler per minute (refer to the “Troughput” column)

  • The percentage of messages that produced an error while the handler was processing it (refer to the Error Rate column)

  • The minimin processing time for a message (refer to the Min column)

  • The median processing time per message (refer to the “Median” column)

  • The time in which 90% of the fastests messages are processed by the handler (refer to the 90 th column)

  • The max processing time for a message (refer to the “Max” column)

This information can be extremely useful for understanding the performance of your handlers and identifying any potential issues.

Handler details

If you click on any of the handlers, you will see a graph with more detailed information about the specific handler performance over time.

"A screenshot of the hanlder insights detailed information of the AxonIQ Console dashboard.

The detail view also allows you to see the message sources and message destinations of the message associated with this handler.

Handler alerts

In addition to the specific details for the message handler, there is a panel on the right side of the tab that displays the alerts detected for this handler, if any.

This section also includes a button to configure the conditions under which alerts are triggered for this particular handler. Without specifying a rule for a specific metric, the environment-wide default for handlers applies, which can be configured in the Monitoring tab. If you create a specific condition for this handler in this configuration section, this handler will ignore the environment-wide conditions.

Screenshot of the panel for configuring the conditions under which an alert is triggered for a specific message handler.

The alert configuration panel also displays, under the 'Environment conditions' section, the list of rules defined to trigger an alert for all the message handlers found in any application connected to this environment.

The conditions defined in this panel apply only to the specific message handler selected in the handler insights tab. If you want to configure alerts for all the message handlers found in any application connected to this environment, you should use the Monitoring tab.