Command Dispatchers

The Command Handlers pages provide the background on how to handle command messages in your application. The dispatching process is the starting point of such a command message. Axon provides two interfaces you can use to send the commands to your command handlers, being the CommandBus and the CommandGateway.

This page will show how and when to use the command gateway and bus. How to configure and specifics on the command gateway and bus implementations are discussed in the infrastructure section.

The CommandBus

The CommandBus is the mechanism that dispatches commands to their respective command handlers. As such, it is the infrastructure component that is aware of which component can handle which command.

Each command is always sent to exactly one command handler. If no command handler is available for the dispatched command, a NoHandlerForCommandException exception is thrown.

The CommandBus provides two methods to dispatch commands to their respective handler, being the dispatch(CommandMessage) and dispatch(CommandMessage, CommandCallback) methods:

private CommandBus commandBus; (1)

public void dispatchCommands() {
    String cardId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); (2)

    (3) (4)
    commandBus.dispatch(GenericCommandMessage.asCommandMessage(new IssueCardCommand(cardId, 100, "shopId")));

    (5) (6)
            GenericCommandMessage.asCommandMessage(new IssueCardCommand(cardId, 100, "shopId")),
            (CommandCallback<IssueCardCommand, String>) (cmdMsg, cmdResultMsg) -> {
                if (cmdResultMsg.isExceptional()) {
                    Throwable throwable = cmdResultMsg.exceptionResult();
                } else {
                    String commandResult = cmdResultMsg.getPayload();
// omitted class, constructor and result usage

The CommandDispatcher described above exemplifies a couple of important aspects and capabilities of the dispatching commands:

1 The CommandBus interface providing the functionality to dispatch command messages.
2 The aggregate identifier is, per best practice, initialized as the String of a random unique identifier. Typed identifier objects are also possible, as long as the object implements a sensible toString() function.
3 The GenericCommandMessage#asCommandMessage(Object) method is used to create a CommandMessage. To be able to dispatch a command on the CommandBus, you are required to wrap your own command object (for example, the 'command message payload') in a CommandMessage. The CommandMessage also allows the addition of MetaData to the Command Message.
4 The CommandBus#dispatch(CommandMessage) function will dispatch the provided CommandMessage on the bus, for delivery to a command handler. If an application isn’t directly interested in the outcome of a command, this method can be used.
5 If the outcome of command handling is relevant for your application, the optional second parameter can be provided, the CommandCallback. The CommandCallback allows the dispatching component to be notified when command handling is completed.
6 The Command Callback has one function, onResult(CommandMessage, CommandResultMessage), which is called when command handling has finished. The first parameter is the dispatched command, whilst the second is execution result of the dispatched command. Lastly, the CommandCallback is a 'functional interface' due to onResult being its only method. As such, commandBus.dispatch(commandMessage, (cmdMsg, commandResultMessage) -> { /* …​ */ }) would also be possible.
7 The CommandResultMessage provides the API to verify whether command execution was exceptional or successful. If CommandResultMessage#isExceptional returns true, you can assume that the CommandResultMessage#exceptionResult will return a Throwable instance containing the actual exception. Otherwise, the CommandResultMessage#getPayload method may provide you with an actual result or null, as further specified here.
Command Callback consideration

In the case that dispatch(CommandMessage, CommandCallback) is used, the calling component may not assume that the callback is invoked in the same thread that dispatched the command. If the calling thread depends on the result before continuing, you can use the FutureCallback. The FutureCallback is a combination of a Future (as defined in the java.concurrent package) and Axon’s CommandCallback. Alternatively, consider using a CommandGateway.

The CommandGateway

The 'Command Gateway' is a convenience approach towards dispatching commands. It does so by abstracting certain aspects for you when dispatching a command on the CommandBus. It this uses the CommandBus underneath to perform the actual dispatching of the message.
While you are not required to use a gateway to dispatch commands, it is generally the easiest option to do so.

The CommandGateway interface can be separated in two sets of methods, namely send and sendAndWait:

private CommandGateway commandGateway; (1)

public void sendCommand() {
    String cardId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); (2)

    CompletableFuture<String> futureResult = commandGateway.send(new IssueCardCommand(cardId, 100, "shopId"));
// omitted class, constructor and result usage

The send API as shown above introduces a couple of concepts, marked with numbered comments:

1 The CommandGateway interface providing the functionality to dispatch command messages. It does so by internally leveraging the CommandBus interface dispatch messages.
2 The aggregate identifier is, per best practice, initialized as the String of a random unique identifier. Typed identifier objects are also possible, as long as the object implements a sensible toString() function.
3 The send(Object) function requires a single parameter, the command object. This is an asynchronous approach to dispatching commands. As such the response of the send method is a CompletableFuture. This allows for chaining of follow-up operations after the command result has been returned.
Callback when using send(Object)

The CommandGateway#send(Object) method uses the FutureCallback under the hood to unblock the command dispatching thread from the command handling thread.

A synchronous approach to sending messages can also be achieved, by using the sendAndWait methods:

private CommandGateway commandGateway;

public void sendCommandAndWaitOnResult() {
    IssueCardCommand commandPayload = new IssueCardCommand(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), 100, "shopId");
    String result = commandGateway.sendAndWait(commandPayload);

    result = commandGateway.sendAndWait(commandPayload, 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// omitted class, constructor and result usage
1 The CommandGateway#sendAndWait(Object) function takes in a single parameter, your command object. It will wait indefinitely until the command dispatching and handling process has been resolved. The result returned by this method can either be successful or exceptional, as will be explained here.
2 If waiting indefinitely is not desirable, a 'timeout' paired with the 'time unit' can be provided alongside the command object. Doing so will ensure that the command dispatching thread will not wait longer than specified. If command dispatching/handling was interrupted or the timeout was reached whilst using this approach, the command result will be null. In all other scenarios, the result follows the referenced approach.

Command dispatching results

Dispatching commands will, generally speaking, have two possible outcomes:

  1. Command handled successfully, and

  2. command handled exceptionally

The outcome to some extent depends on the dispatching process, but more so on the implementation of the command handler. Thus, if the @CommandHandler annotated function throws an exception due to some business logic, it will be that exception which will be the result of dispatching the command.

The successful resolution of command handling intentionally should not provide any return objects. Thus, if the CommandBus/CommandGateway provides a response (either directly or through the CommandResultMessage), then you should assume the result of successful command handling to return null.

While it is possible to return results from command handlers, this should be used sparsely. The intent of the Command should never be to retrieve a value, as that would be an indication that the message should be designed as a Query Message. Exceptions to this would be the identifier of the Aggregate Root, or identifiers of entities the Aggregate Root has instantiated. The framework has one such exception build in, on the @CommandHandler annotated constructor of an Aggregate. In case the 'command handling constructor' has executed successfully, instead of the Aggregate itself, the value of the @AggregateIdentifier annotated field will be returned.

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