Major Releases

This page notes all enhancements and features that we have introduced to our major releases of the Axon JGroups Extension.

Release 4.9

Release 4.9.0 only consists out of dependency upgrades to tag along with recent developments.

Release 4.8


  • Adding tracing #254

  • Enable tracing in JGroupsConnector with SpanFactory #188


  • Upgrade to JUnit 5 #253

  • Fix coverage report. #218

  • Migrate tests to JUnit 5 #89


We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!

Release 4.7


  • Add support for Spring Boot 3 autoconfiguration. #217


We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!

Release 4.6

If you're curious about the dependency upgrades made in this release we refer to this page.


  • Change how Sonar is invoked for GHA's #97

  • Splitted builds into pr and not pr, added ghactions to dependabot and other minors #75


We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!

Release 4.5

  • We added automatic release note construction through Git Workflow in issue #32.

You can check the release note here for a complete list of all changes.

Release 4.4

  • Issue #9 introduces support for Spring Boot Developer Tools.

  • We introduce dependabot, which updated the log4j version.

Release 4.3

  • Issue #7 implements the CommandBusConnector#localSegment. Axon Framework introduces this method in release 4.3 (and issue #874) to ensure the usage of the DisruptorCommandBus's repository is followed when distributing the CommandBus.

  • We introduced a graceful start-up and shutdown solution in Axon Framework release 4.3 for all infrastructure components. Issue #8 ensures the JGroupsConnector complies with this style too.

Release 4.2

As marked under this issue, the command callback will not be called if the connection between JGroups peers dies whilst a command is in transit. Credits go to "sgrimm-sg" for filing the issue and solving it.

Release 4.1

If cluster connection message came in quickly after starting the connection, a NullPointerException could be thrown. This issue was resolved for release 4.1 here.

Release 4.0

We split off the JGroups logic from Axon Framework core into a dedicated repository. Next to that, it complies with Axon Framework's 4.0 release.

Last updated