Event processor administration
Service name: EventProcessorAdminService
Operation | Purpose | Method |
List all even processor | Provide a list of all event processors defined by the connected applications. | rpc GetAllEventProcessors(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream EventProcessor) |
List event processo by component | Provide a list of all event processors defined by the specified component. | rpc GetEventProcessorsByComponent(Component) returns (stream EventProcessor) |
Start event processor | Start a distributed event processor, propagating the start request to all EP instances connected to AS * | rpc StartEventProcessor(EventProcessorIdentifier) returns (AdminActionResult) |
Pause event processor | Pause a distributed event processor, propagating the pause request to all EP instances connected to AS * | rpc PauseEventProcessor(EventProcessorIdentifier) returns (AdminActionResult) |
Split event processor segment | Split the largest known segment of the distributed event processor into two segments. | rpc SplitEventProcessor(EventProcessorIdentifier) returns (AdminActionResult) |
Merge event processor segments | Merge the smallest known two segments of the distributed event processor into one. ** | rpc MergeEventProcessor(EventProcessorIdentifier) returns (AdminActionResult) |
List load balance strategies | Provide a list of all load balancing strategies. | rpc GetBalancingStrategies(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream LoadBalancingStrategy) |
Load balance event processor | Balance the load across several instances of an event processor, accordingly to the selected strategy. | rpc LoadBalanceProcessor(LoadBalanceRequest) returns (stream google.protobuf.Empty) |
Set auto load balance strategy | Define the load balancing strategy to use for automatic load balancing. | rpc SetAutoLoadBalanceStrategy(LoadBalanceRequest) returns (stream google.protobuf.Empty) |
* Clients need to be already running and connected to AS before the operation is executed. ** It may not work if the two smallest segments are not claimed by applications connected to AS.
Context administration
Service name: ContextAdminService
Operation | Purpose | Method |
Context details | Provide all details about a context. | rpc GetContext(GetContextRequest) returns (ContextOverview) |
List contexts | Provide a stream of all contexts with details. | rpc GetContexts(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream ContextOverview) |
Create context | Create a new context. | rpc CreateContext(CreateContextRequest) returns (stream google.protobuf.Empty) |
Delete context | Delete an existing context. | rpc DeleteContext(DeleteContextRequest) returns (stream google.protobuf.Empty) |
Update context properties | Update specified properties of a context. | rpc UpdateContextProperties(UpdateContextPropertiesRequest) returns (stream google.protobuf.Empty) |
Subscribe to contexts' updates | Provide a stream of all changes in cluster configuration related to context (creations, deletions, updates). | rpc SubscribeContextUpdates(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream ContextUpdate) |
Replication group administration
Service name: ReplicationGroupAdminService
Operation | Purpose | Method |
Replication group details | Provide all details about a replication group. | rpc GetReplicationGroup(GetReplicationGroupRequest) returns (ReplicationGroupOverview) |
List replication groups | Provide a stream of all replication groups with details. | rpc GetReplicationGroups(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream ReplicationGroupOverview) |
List nodes | Provide a stream of all nodes in the cluster with details. | rpc GetNodes (google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream NodeOverview) |
Create replication group | Create a new replication group. | rpc CreateReplicationGroup(CreateReplicationGroupRequest) returns (stream google.protobuf.Empty) |
Delete replication group | Delete an existing replication group. | rpc DeleteReplicationGroup(DeleteReplicationGroupRequest) returns (stream google.protobuf.Empty) |
Add node | Add a node to a replication group with the specified role. | rpc AddNodeToReplicationGroup(JoinReplicationGroup) returns (stream google.protobuf.Empty) |
Remove node | Remove a node from a replication group. | rpc RemoveNodeFromReplicationGroup(LeaveReplicationGroup) returns (stream google.protobuf.Empty) |
Applications administration
Service name: ApplicationAdminService
Operation | Purpose | Method |
Application details | Provide all details about an application. | rpc GetApplication(ApplicationId) returns (ApplicationOverview) |
List applications | Provide a stream of all applications with details. | rpc GetApplications(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream ApplicationOverview) |
Create/update application | Create or update an application. | rpc CreateOrUpdateApplication(ApplicationRequest) returns (Token) |
Delete application | Delete an existing application. | rpc DeleteApplication(ApplicationId) returns (stream google.protobuf.Empty) |
Refresh token | Regenerate the token for the specified application. | rpc RefreshToken(ApplicationId) returns (Token) |
Users administration
Service name: UserAdminService
Operation | Purpose | Method |
List users | Provide a stream of all users with details. | rpc GetUsers(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream UserOverview) |
Create/update user | Create or update a user. | rpc CreateOrUpdateUser(CreateOrUpdateUserRequest) returns (stream google.protobuf.Empty) |
Delete user | Delete an existing user. | rpc DeleteUser(DeleteUserRequest) returns (stream google.protobuf.Empty) |
Last updated